Butterknowle Primary School offers places to children from nursery age through to the end of Year 6. Our school is a very special place where we learn, work and play together. We strive to acknowledge and celebrate the individuality in everyone, whilst ensuring that we come together and unite as one community.
Please be aware that, as we are a small school, our class sizes fluctuate from year to year and when our pupils numbers are less than eleven in any one cohort our data is suppressed to protect individual identity. In the ‘Closing the Gap’ section, all data is suppressed if the cohort in either the ‘disadvantaged’ or ‘other’ pupil group is fewer than six.
As we are a small school, we have the flexibility to do things differently and respond to the needs of your child. If you would like to find out more about our school please feel free to contact the school and we would be delighted to show you around.