The Dales Partnership




Our governors

The Dales Partnership

Butterknowle, Frosterley and Woodland  Primary Schools form The Dales Partnership. We are three small schools with individual characters working together to provide an excellent education for the children in our school families. As well as ensuring that each child reaches their academic potential, we provide opportunities to develop across the curriculum, to support emotional wellbeing and resilience and to build cultural capital.

We hope that your involvement with our schools will be a happy and exciting one for your child and all the family. Our aim is to provide the very best for your child within a caring school where everyone is happy, safe and secure. At The Dales Partnership we value each and every pupil and strive for continual improvement.
We have high aspirations for all of our pupils and, through our challenging and engaging curriculum, we are determined to develop the knowledge, skills and the enquiring minds needed to help them reach their goals. We aim to provide a positive environment in which cooperation and teamwork thrive and one which promotes and encourages individual development.

We believe that by working closely alongside parents and the community we can develop a fruitful and productive partnership to benefit all of our children. We hope that you will find this website interesting and that it will help you to understand what we are trying to achieve for the children in our care.

Have a look at our Facebook page, our latest newsletters, school blog and performance information, to get a flavour of all the great and exciting things happening at Butterknowle, Frosterley and Woodland School.

Clare Carr
Head Teacher

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