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Curriculum – RE


Through the delivery of our Religious Education curriculum and enrichment activities we aim to:

  • Develop children’s knowledge and understanding of a range of religious and nonreligious worldviews
  • Equip children with the ability to describe and explain beliefs and religious concepts
  • Enable children to understand the impact beliefs and practices have on individuals, communities and societies
  • Deepen children’s understanding of religious diversity, in their locality, their nation and worldwide
  • Enable children to think critically and make links across their Religious Education learning
  • Provide space for children to explore personal reflections on their thoughts, feelings, experiences, ideas, values and beliefs
  • Develop children’s respect and appreciation of all religious and nonreligious worldviews

We make no presumptions about the religious beliefs and values of children or staff in the federation. We value all religious backgrounds and hope this will encourage individuals to share their own beliefs and experiences confidently. All religions and communities are respected within the Dales Federation and we value the links and relationships which can be built within our communities.


Across the Dales Partnership Federation, we follow a coherent and progressive Religious Education curriculum, in line with the Durham Agreed Syllabus (2020). This allows children to deepen their knowledge of religious and nonreligious viewpoints and the impact these have on individuals and communities.

We focus on the three key areas of Religious Education:

  • Knowledge
  • Critical Thinking
  • Personal Reflection

These three areas are present and clear in all Religious Education lessons across all stages of learning.

Attitudes in Religious Education

Throughout all teaching, at all stages, we provide opportunities for children to develop positive attitudes to their own and others’ beliefs, ideas, experiences, feelings and values.

The key attitudes we plan to foster and develop are:

  • Self awareness
  • Respect
  • Open-Mindedness
  • Appreciation and Wonder

In the Early Years Foundation Stage:

Each term children in the EYFS complete a unit of work focusing on a world religion exploring the themes of ‘special’ and ‘belonging’. This may take the form of special books, people, places or objects alongside ceremonies showing belonging to the focus religion.

In addition to this, children complete a ‘Let’s find out about…’ unit, where they explore various celebrations and festivals such as Easter, Christmas, Eid or Wesak.

Across a two-year rolling programme, children explore six key world religions in depth. They also recognise and celebrate key ‘Special Times’ over the year through religious celebrations and festivals such as Eid, Diwali, Ramadan, Hannukah, Easter and Christmas.

In Key Stage One:

In Key Stage One, children study Christianity and Buddhism. They consider the beliefs of people in these religions, observing how these beliefs impact their lives and communities. Children also consider religious diversity in our own unique localities across the foundation, forging links with local faith communities and places of worship. All lessons provide an opportunity to develop knowledge, think critically and take time to personally reflect on the topics explored.

In Key Stage Two:

In Key Stage Two children study Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism and Islam. They deepen knowledge of the religions studied previously and are introduced to new religious viewpoints. Children continue to build their understanding of the religious diversity in their individual localities through links with local faith leaders and places of worship. In order to explore key questions across a range of religious and nonreligous worldviews, children complete a thematic unit with a key enquiry question. These include a focus on prayer, ritual, sacred places and environmental impact.

In Year Six, children complete the Statutory Bridging unit, ‘So, What do we now know about Christianity?’.

Enrichment Activities:

We pride ourselves on our active use of enrichment opportunities to deepen and bring learning to life within our Religious Education. Children will visit Durham Cathedral alongside local Churches as part of their learning about Christianity. We foster links with local faith communities, welcoming faith leaders to lead assemblies in schools regularly. Children participate in online question and answer sessions with faith leaders from a range of religions. We also welcome a range of visitors to schools to share their beliefs and practices with us.


As a result of our Religious Education lessons and enrichment activities, children within the Dales Partnership Federation will:

  • Hold a broad knowledge of religious and nonreligious world views in their localities and in the wider national and international level
  • Have the ability to make links between the belief systems they have studied
  • Have the ability to respond to religious and non-religious world views in an informed and insightful manner
  • Have the ability to reflect on their own views and beliefs and those of others
  • Have developed competency in the Attitudes in Religious Education (self awareness, respect, open-mindedness and appreciation and wonder)
  • Be equipped to navigate life in a diverse society with a range of beliefs and viewpoints


Please click on the link below to see the curriculum overview:

RE Gallery