Our PE curriculum aims to provide children with the opportunity to engage in a range of sports, physical activity and exercise, allowing children to find the kinds of physical activity they enjoy. Through the PE curriculum we ensure the children are physically active for sustained periods of time, they engage in sports and activities both competitive and non-competitive. Resilience and teamwork are developed through our PE teaching.
The children develop an understanding of how engaging in sport and physical activity contributes to a healthy life and has benefits for both physical and mental health.
PE is taught as an area of learning in its own right as well as being integrated where possible with other curriculum areas such as Music, Science and SMSC. The children have lessons with their class teachers, sports coaches and enjoy swimming lessons at the local pool. Our school is part of a school sports partnership. Through this partnership, we are able to access advice, specialist coaching and a range of competitions and other opportunities.
Through engaging lessons, the children participate in a wide range of sports and experience success. They access the curriculum at their own level of development securing and building on a range of skills. They learn in a safe environment where they abide by basic rules and experience positive competition against their own classmates but also through inter school events.
We also encourage the children to be physically active outside of their PE lessons with activities such as Fit Friday early morning sessions, Playleaders who encourage physical activity at playtime, the school football team, before and after school care and extra-curricular activities.
During their time at primary school, our children enjoy a wide range of sports and physical activity. Children find sports and activities which they enjoy and succeed in, encouraging them to continue to be physically active throughout their lives. They leave us confident in their own physical abilities and willing to try new activities. Through our PE teaching children recognise the need to remain physically active in order to live a healthy life. Children also develop other life skills such as teamwork, resilience and a determination to succeed as well as the values of fairness and respect