Children are encouraged to develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the world, as well as their place in it. We seek to promote the children’s interest and understanding of diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the earth’s key physical and human processes. Our Geography curriculum enables children to develop subject knowledge and investigative skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas. Geography helps to provoke and provide answers to questions about the natural and human aspects of the world and we aim to inspire in our children a curiosity and fascination about the world and it’s people and develop an interest and understanding which will remain with them for the rest of their lives
Geography at The Dales Partnership Schools is taught over a two year cycle year that ensures coverage and a progression in skills, knowledge and understanding. Medium term plans ensure the national curriculum for Geography is planned for, covering a range of topics, with a progression of skills and knowledge. We aim to build on children’s understanding by asking what they know already as well as what they would like to find out.
Cross curricular links in geography are identified and opportunities for writing are given a high priority. Teaching and learning should plan for outdoor learning opportunities within geography lessons wherever it is appropriate. This may be using the school grounds, local area or wider community to develop skills and further their understanding.
Geography is monitored by the subject leader throughout all year groups using a variety of strategies such as book scrutinises, lesson observations, staff discussions and pupil interviews. Geography is assessed through teacher judgement and monitored by the subject leader. Teachers complete a termly assessment tracker identifying pupils who have not met or exceeded expectations and will identify strategies to be used the following term to ensure all pupils experience challenge and reach their potential. Learning support assistants are carefully used to support the work of individual children or groups of children to ensure all children reach their full potential.
As children progress throughout the schools, they develop a deep knowledge, understanding an appreciation of their local area and its place within the wider geographical context. Children will begin to understand their wider world and the implications that we as citizens have on it. Children will act as good citizens within their local community and look after their environment.